Interessenabfrage für Halotreffen in NL

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Wolfgang Hinz
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Interessenabfrage für Halotreffen in NL

Beitrag von Wolfgang Hinz » 15. Jul 2007, 17:45


Frank Nieuwenhuys und Peter-Paul Hattinga-Verschure möchten im Zeitraum 21. Mai - 1. Juni 2008 ein internationales Halotreffen in Den Haag organisieren. Um das Ganze planen zu können, läuft derzeit eine Vorabanfrage, wer Interesse an solch einem Treffen hätte. Bisher haben Leute aus D, GB, I, HU, CZ und NL Interesse bekundet.

Im letzten Jahr fand ein ähnliches Treffen in Finnland statt, was sehr informativ war und allen Beteiligten viel Spaß gemacht hat. Die europäische Halogemeinde ist ein ganzes Stück zusammengewachsen und dieses Treffen wird den in Artjärvi eingeschlagenen Weg sicherlich ausbauen. Insofern würden wir uns freuen, wenn diesmal auch von Euch jemand dabei ist und vielleicht sogar mit einem kleinen Beitrag zu einem interessanten Meeting beitragen könnte (muß aber nicht sein).

Bitte meldet Euch bei uns (, Frank ( oder Peter-Paul (

Hier die Originalmail mit weiteren Informationen:

Dear friends,

At the moment, Peter-Paul (Hattinga Verschure) and I are making preparing efforts for an eventual International Optical Meeting, next year in the Netherlands. Our first aim is to find a proper location for the meeting.
In this stage, I have contact with the staff of the organization of the yearly Eurasian festival "Pasar Malam Besar" (P.M.B.), here in The Hague.

It's a pleasure to inform you, the staff of the P.M.B. is interested in our project, and is inclined to give hospitality to an eventual "International optical meeting 2008 in The Hague, the Netherlands, in a 'tropical Eurasian' setting", in one of the theatres, especially equiped for presentations and lectures. The 50th jubilee P.M.B. next year, will be in the period May 21st until June 1st. Our prefering date of the meeting is the three-day-weekend-period Friday May 30th until Sunday June 1st, but perhaps it's necessary to change to an earlier midweek period.

As for the theme of the meeting, we have the following in mind:
"Identifying Halos. A survey of halo observations, documentation and interpretations in the past, and at present. The role of the development and influence of technology and knowledge."
Altough it seems to be easy to recognize most halo forms, still mistakes and misinterpretations occur, and give rise to confusion, discussion and disagreement. It's our purpose to provide the participants of the meeting the essential knowledge and 'techniques', to affoid confusion and misinterpretations as much as possible.

Besides the theme, Peter-Paul and I will pay attention too, to the period of halo observations in the Dutch East
Indies in the 1920s, 30s and 40s. It's our intention, Peter-Paul will deliver a lecture for general public of the
P.M.B. about the highlights of the observations in the period mentioned above. This topic is logically connected with the location of the meeting.

Altough - I realize - the Pasar Malam Besar is an unusual location for an international optical meeting, the "largest Eurasian festival in the world" near the town centre of The Hague offers a dazzling array of advantages: during the meeting breaks and leisure hours you will have a wide choice of restaurants with all kinds of delicious Indonesian dishes and a great variety of music and dance performances, or just strolling along the numerous Pasar shops.

Outside the P.M.B. there are the possiblities for a walk in the lovely old town centre of The Hague, a visit to
the picture gallery "Mauritshuis" or the "Huygens museum", to go for a walk along the nearby beach or strolling through the dunes and woods in the neighbourhood. Of course, there are plenty posibilities for lodging the
participants in and around The Hague.

After this "promotion talk" and before we go on with the preparations for the The Hague meeting, I would like to ask you the following: are there meanwhile intentions for another international meeting somewhere else, next year? If not, are you (and other members of your observation network) interested to visit the The Hague meeting next year? If so, do you want to contribute to the program? And if so, what will be your contribution (title, contents, estimated duration in minutes)?

Please, send your reaction to my e mail address or Peter-Paul's address.
Both Peter-Paul and I are looking out for your response, questions and suggestions.

Kind regards,
Frank Nieuwenhuys
The Hague (Den Haag)
The Netherlands.


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