-19°C and a moon halo. *PIC*


-19°C and a moon halo. *PIC*

Beitrag von Mats » 2. Jan 2004, 20:12

A picture from Sågen in Dalarna Sweden. Very cold weather -19°C.
Image shot with a Olympus 5050Z digital camera with a 0,6 converter attached.


Ern Mainka

Re: -19°C and a moon halo.

Beitrag von Ern Mainka » 3. Jan 2004, 04:42


Re -19 C.

Interesting that the Solar Halo I shot on 17 Dec 03 was taken when the ground temp. was +39 C. (And a lot hotter on the tin roof I was standing on I might add). A lesser Lunar Halo preceded it on the night before.

It seems then that ground temp. has little to do with high level atmospheric Halos. However you do seem to get more in Europe than we do here in SE Australia. Or perhaps its because Europe has more people looking out for them and over a larger area.



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