Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Forum für Halo-Erscheinungen, Regenbögen, Blitze und alle anderen Lichterscheinungen, die neben Polarlichtern in der Erdatmosphäre auftreten.
Alec Jones
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 4. Jul 2011, 07:18
Wohnort: Farnworth

Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Alec Jones » 12. Okt 2017, 19:54

Quite possibly the finest display that has ever been photographed, ... niemi.html



Elmar Schmidt
Beiträge: 2112
Registriert: 23. Feb 2010, 20:43
Wohnort: Bad Schönborn (8o39'51"O 49o13'21"N 130 m ü.N.N.)

Re: Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Elmar Schmidt » 13. Okt 2017, 16:15

Yes, impressive, a legend would help, though.


Alec Jones
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 4. Jul 2011, 07:18
Wohnort: Farnworth

Re: Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Alec Jones » 14. Okt 2017, 14:33

Due to the sheer complexity of the Rovaniemi event, I think it would be appropriate if anyone wants to ask questions or requires detailed information about any specific aspect of the display, to direct them to Marko Riikonen by way of the comments section on the above link. I am quite sure he would be happy to answer any questions that forum users might have. I hope this helps.

Alec Jones
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 4. Jul 2011, 07:18
Wohnort: Farnworth

Re: Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Alec Jones » 14. Okt 2017, 14:43

I am not sure what has happened with the above response, it should read,

"Due to the sheer complexity of the Rovaniemi event, I think it would be appropriate if anyone wants to ask questions or requires detailed information about any specific aspect of the display, to direct them to Marko Riikonen by way of the comments section on the above link. I am quite sure he would be happy to answer any questions that forum users might have. I hope this helps."

Elmar Schmidt
Beiträge: 2112
Registriert: 23. Feb 2010, 20:43
Wohnort: Bad Schönborn (8o39'51"O 49o13'21"N 130 m ü.N.N.)

Re: Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Elmar Schmidt » 14. Okt 2017, 18:58

Hi Alec,

the dedication of Marko Riikonen to halo science is very much appreciated here, still I do not quite see your point, as there have been similarly complex displays without the need of multiple stacking, which were labelled right away, cf. ... klid-2014/

Legends could be in English, Finnish whatsoever, as those with a deeper interest in rare halos have his seminal "Halot".

Kind regards


Alec Jones
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 4. Jul 2011, 07:18
Wohnort: Farnworth

Re: Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Alec Jones » 14. Okt 2017, 23:22

Hi Elmar,

The reason for my post was to bring the exceptional Rovaniemi display to the attention of forum users. I thought a display of this quality would be of interest especially to serious observers like yourself.

The Neklid display is an extremely good one and I have enjoyed looking at it many, many times; indeed the photography is absolutely superb. However, in my estimation, the level of detail, clarity and complexity cannot match what we see in the Rovaniemi display (for example see the Lefaudeux processed image). I am not a purist and I sometimes wonder whether even more data could have been gathered by employing the stacking technique during the Neklid display.

With regard to labelling the image, unfortunately I was not the observer and do not have permission to do so. If Marko feels the need to offer a complete list of halo types and/or an annotated image like you suggest, I presume he will do so at some point. That was the main reason why I directed any specific enquiries to Marko himself.

I hope this clarifies matters somewhat.

Kind regards,


Elmar Schmidt
Beiträge: 2112
Registriert: 23. Feb 2010, 20:43
Wohnort: Bad Schönborn (8o39'51"O 49o13'21"N 130 m ü.N.N.)

Re: Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Elmar Schmidt » 15. Okt 2017, 09:25

Hi Alec,

thanks for your explanations. On the other hand, I have to say that reading a passage
the level of detail, clarity and complexity cannot match ...
makes me wonder, whether you look at halo reports as kind of a competition. Of course, this is a fruitful part in any kind of front-line research, but can also hamper collaboration and ruin friendships.

Whatever you meant with your post, I take sides with AKM's approach, which is less about celebrating "the best halo ever", but more about servicing a community of observers.

Kindly, Elmar

Alec Jones
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 4. Jul 2011, 07:18
Wohnort: Farnworth

Re: Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Alec Jones » 15. Okt 2017, 11:10

Hi Elmar,

You are absolutely right, it is certainly not a competition. All I am concerned with doing is pushing the boundaries of halo research, regardless of where a display originates or who the observer was. With the very greatest respect, I was not the one who offered the Neklid display by way of comparison. As I said, it is an absolutely superb display, one which I would have been delighted to observe myself. However, there are elements in the Rovaniemi display that are objectively not present in the Neklid and that's why in my opinion I consider it to be a truly exceptional display. I am certainly not saying that it is the "best display ever" or anything as crass or puerile as that. What I am saying that it is arguably the finest display that has been photographed to date. If your opinion differs, then I can live with that.

On this occasion, I think it is probably better if we agree to disagree.

Cordially yours,


Elmar Schmidt
Beiträge: 2112
Registriert: 23. Feb 2010, 20:43
Wohnort: Bad Schönborn (8o39'51"O 49o13'21"N 130 m ü.N.N.)

Re: Rovaniemi 6th March 2017

Beitrag von Elmar Schmidt » 15. Okt 2017, 12:02

Hi Alec,

there is not so much of a discord w.r. to the spectacular Rovaniemi display, as we all know, that the Finnish observers do an excellent job, helped not just by favorable climatic conditions in Lapland, but also by their unmatched winter-hardy dedication.

Whether "best" or "finest" doesn't matter much for me, and it was not either me, that needed a superlative here. My minor complaint addressed the instance, that the blog in question somehow overlooks, that a non-insider might not really appreciate the formidable findings from the information given.

Edit: this has been done in the meantime, although for the rarest halos in the display, only. Maybe someone can amend this by labelling the more common halos, too, so we get a list of all the photographed halos. In addition, it would be interesting to learn about the dividing line between visual and subvisual halos.

I hope this clarifies my point.

Kind regards



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