Japanische Feuerkugelereignisse am 6. Nov. 2009

Forum zur Diskussion von Meteor- und Feuerkugelsichtungen, sowie zur Besprechung von Meteorströmen.
Thomas Grau
Beiträge: 303
Registriert: 6. Feb 2005, 11:02
Wohnort: Bernau bei Berlin

Japanische Feuerkugelereignisse am 6. Nov. 2009

Beitrag von Thomas Grau » 8. Nov 2009, 17:21

"Dear List,
My news site was updated as well: http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.c ... eball.html

There are now videos and other information about the fireball of
2009年11月6日 20:28:59 北陸 大火球

SEE : http://sonotaco.jp/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2151

Thank you to Dr. Ohtsuka, Katsuhito for the link and to SonotaCo Network JAPAN for their fine research!!!

This is the same fireball that I witnessed and had reported to the list earlier in "Large Fireball Over Sayama, Saitama, Japan Area 6NOV09".

Hope that you enjoy the excellent videos and additional information kindly provided by the Sonota Corp. Network, Japan.

Best Regards, Dirk Ross...Tokyo"

und noch eine Zweite:
"Dear Lists,
I have just learned that there was an earlier fireball on the same night 6NOV09 at 8:05 with the second one following at 8:28pm. More about the fireball can be read at; http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.c ... other.html

Please see the Sonota Corp links on my webpage to go to the video and images. Thank you. Dirk Ross...Tokyo "

Super Videos, ich kann nur nichts lesen!
Gruß Thomas
Grau ist alle Theorie ...


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