Hallo zusammen,
nach meinen Zufallstreffern aus der Perseidennacht (https://forum.meteoros.de/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=62328) habe ich in der Nacht vom 1. auf dem 2. September erstmals systematisch versucht Sprites zu fotografieren, da laut DWD-App größere Gewitter im Bereich von 200 bis 300 km Entfernung unterwegs waren. Es war leider Richtung Süden, direkt über der Wiesbadener Lichtglocke schauend. Dennoch gab es in den 5 Stunden Aufnahmedauer 3 Treffer, eines davon stelle ich hier rein.
Gesamtaufnahme bei 40mm Brennweite:
Position nach Plate-Solving (daher erscheinen die Sterne künstlich verfärbt):
Unterstrich = Messposition
Erster Wert = Azimut
Zweiter Wert = Höhe
Nachträglich ermittelte Gewitterposition durch DWD-App:
Viele Grüße, Carl
[Sprites] 2024-09-01/02 Sprites über Südhessen
- Beiträge: 342
- Registriert: 19. Mär 2023, 13:51
- Beiträge: 44
- Registriert: 17. Dez 2013, 07:36
- Wohnort: Jouhe, Jura, Frankreich.
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: [Sprites] 2024-09-01/02 Sprites über Südhessen
Hello there Carl, thank you for those images and congratulations on the catch.
This is interesting to me, since I tried to catch those sprites during this same night, but from south of them (I am located at 47,05°N & 5,5°E)
Is the time 2:20 corresponding to the sprites you are showing there ? Unfortunately for me, at this time, I got clouds masking the part of the sky above the storms.
And can you tell us what are time codes for the other sprites you caught ?
Thank you.
Viele Grüsse aus Frankreich.
This is interesting to me, since I tried to catch those sprites during this same night, but from south of them (I am located at 47,05°N & 5,5°E)
Is the time 2:20 corresponding to the sprites you are showing there ? Unfortunately for me, at this time, I got clouds masking the part of the sky above the storms.
And can you tell us what are time codes for the other sprites you caught ?
Thank you.
Viele Grüsse aus Frankreich.
- Beiträge: 342
- Registriert: 19. Mär 2023, 13:51
Re: [Sprites] 2024-09-01/02 Sprites über Südhessen
Hi Nicolas,
the sprites were at 23:48, 01:27 and 02:27 local summer time.
I'm just a beginner with sprites, but maybe the sprites were on the northern end of the storm, having the large clouds to the south blocking them from your vantage point. I am located at 50.22°N and 8.28°E.
Cheers, Carl
the sprites were at 23:48, 01:27 and 02:27 local summer time.
I'm just a beginner with sprites, but maybe the sprites were on the northern end of the storm, having the large clouds to the south blocking them from your vantage point. I am located at 50.22°N and 8.28°E.
Cheers, Carl
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