Magical show from Kiruna

Forum für Polarlichter, Spaceweather, Astronomie und Raumfahrt.

Moderator: StefanK

Beiträge: 119
Registriert: 20. Jan 2004, 16:24
Wohnort: Netherlands

Magical show from Kiruna

Beitrag von janlameer » 26. Jan 2004, 15:44

Hi all !

After a few nights with good aurora, last Saturday night was heavily overcast but at about 01:15 UT a pitch black starfilled sky became visible.
Some weak green bands were visible and as Jan den Hollander checked the WAP ACE data, it showed that we were going to have fun: Bz -10 nT at Kiruna !

Well, two hours later it became overcast again and in between we had the best show of our life.

Curtains with flaming and enhanced aurora came one after the other in the north, west and east while in the zenit with the Big Dipper (UMa), rivers of pulsating, flaming and black aurora were forming magical landscapes.

The flaming aurora was like thousand of coloured canldles playing children's games in the sky, it was so unreal and beautiful ...

Well, I am seriously considering now to spend a few months here in autumn.

As to time-lapse photographing here, I had a lot of problems with static electricity affecting the electronics in my timer. Also the huge difference in brightness between auroral forms and the speed of changing forms is a bit problematic.
Oh well, I think I have a few nice pics.

greetings from Kiruna, JanL


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