Die Suche ergab 40 Treffer

von Nicolas Rossetto
18. Mai 2024, 19:23
Forum: Polarlicht und Astronomie
Thema: STEVE-, GBR-Verdacht Polarlicht 10./11.05.24
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 20107

Re: STEVE-, GBR-Verdacht Polarlicht 10./11.05.24

And I forgot, during the big impulse that occurred around 00h30, they were multiple of those pillars, above multiple instances of green proton auroras, like in the attached file:
von Nicolas Rossetto
18. Mai 2024, 19:17
Forum: Polarlicht und Astronomie
Thema: STEVE-, GBR-Verdacht Polarlicht 10./11.05.24
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 20107

Re: STEVE-, GBR-Verdacht Polarlicht 10./11.05.24

http://www.schule.suedtirol.it/rg-bk/oldhp/sar_steve.jpg Hello there I have the same pillars on my pictures, and it seems that they are appearing just after the green proton auroras laying below. This correspond (00:51:XX time code) to the 19th to 20th second of the first time-lapse I made ( here )...
von Nicolas Rossetto
12. Mai 2024, 22:09
Forum: Polarlicht und Astronomie
Thema: STEVE-, GBR-Verdacht Polarlicht 10./11.05.24
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 20107

Re: STEVE-, GBR-Verdacht Polarlicht 10./11.05.24

Hello there. Congrats on those images ! We got a marvelous display from France too. Here is a first time lapse I made from my location (Jouhe, Jura, France), where we can see the SAR (looks like there is some like one inside a second one, before vanishing) and might be also GBR, in the second part o...
von Nicolas Rossetto
28. Apr 2024, 13:14
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] Halophänomen 2024-04-13 mit fast vollständigem HK und Pyramidale
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 885

Re: [Halo] Halophänomen 2024-04-13 mit fast vollständigem HK und Pyramidale

Hello there.
I have not found the information either.

By the way, the inventory done by Jaro Moilainen & Maria Gritsevichin 2022 do not mention how it is produced either.

Unless something has been done in last years.
von Nicolas Rossetto
14. Apr 2024, 00:16
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] Halophänomen 2024-04-13 mit fast vollständigem HK und Pyramidale
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 885

Re: [Halo] Halophänomen 2024-04-13 mit fast vollständigem HK und Pyramidale

Hello there Marcel, this is interesting display, with this mix of odd radii and conventional halos. What you caught between 9° and 18° halo is the 13° halo . We got similar display (halos types, sharpness) this past two days from eastern part of France and the 13° halo was there too. Greetings from ...
von Nicolas Rossetto
31. Mär 2024, 00:00
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] 2024-03-19 Zirkumhorizontalbogen am Mond in Hörlitz
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 369

Re: [Halo] 2024-03-19 Zirkumhorizontalbogen am Mond in Hörlitz

Hello there, This is a nice one indeed. I tried over the years to get the same arc from the Moon during Winter, and I might have got it too. Like the one you had, I did not get any circumscribed halo, nor other plate crystals related halos, but instead, some odd radii ones: 9° and 35°, along with th...
von Nicolas Rossetto
20. Mär 2024, 22:28
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] 2024-03-20/21 Halophänomen am Mond inkl. ILB, Wegeners und Trickers Gegensonnenbogen
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 461

Re: [Halo] 2024-03-20/21 Halophänomen am Mond inkl. ILB, Wegeners und Trickers Gegensonnenbogen

Very nice ones ! Congratulations!

We had, from Jura, Moon halos too those past nights, but not as sharp as those ones.
von Nicolas Rossetto
27. Dez 2023, 15:53
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] 2023-12-26/27 ZHB am Mond
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 822

Re: [Halo] 2023-12-26/27 ZHB am Mond

Hello there Carl, nice one on the Moon for this last night. I was on the roof too for the catching, but I forgot to turn the lense heater on, so manage to get nice droplets on the camera instead of halos. Almost 2 month without halos picturing here too, all the automatisms are not back yet. But as y...
von Nicolas Rossetto
14. Nov 2023, 23:09
Forum: Polarlicht und Astronomie
Thema: Giant Blue Rays - Auswertung 19.9. und 25.9.2023
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4062

Re: Giant Blue Rays - Auswertung 19.9. und 25.9.2023

Hello there Michael, indeed, with discussion on this matter on the french forums, we thought also that giving the fact that matter tends to follow magnetic lines, the shape seen from my location where not rectilinear as it appear to be, but curved towards the south, like you wrote also, showing the ...
von Nicolas Rossetto
2. Nov 2023, 20:11
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: Sonnenhalo-Statistik Oktober 2023
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 450

Re: Sonnenhalo-Statistik Oktober 2023

Hello there Carl, indeed, there might be more to find in the pictures. Thank you for your hints. Here is a shared folder of what I managed to render so far, but I am not finished yet. For the blue spot, here is a explanation on what to look for when searching for it, if you don't already know this l...
von Nicolas Rossetto
2. Nov 2023, 13:50
Forum: Polarlicht und Astronomie
Thema: Giant Blue Rays - Auswertung 19.9. und 25.9.2023
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4062

Re: Giant Blue Rays - Auswertung 19.9. und 25.9.2023

Hello there, the shown images in this new of Spaceweather is a consequence of discussion with Emmanuel Baudoin (his images), on french forum Astrosurf , in parallel of this present topic on your forum. We try to draw the attention of Spaceweather in order to gather more images from different locatio...
von Nicolas Rossetto
1. Nov 2023, 21:06
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: Sonnenhalo-Statistik Oktober 2023
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 450

Re: Sonnenhalo-Statistik Oktober 2023

Thank you for your answers. Indeed, for the odd radius halos, I can have with mixed pyramidal and non-pyramidal crystals too ( last 17th October gave me a nice view too ) For the 9° halo quesiton, for my part, I often get 9° halo alone among other non-pyramidal halos, but the shape of the 9° halo is...
von Nicolas Rossetto
1. Nov 2023, 20:56
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] 2023-10-26 22°-Ring, Nebensonnen, Zirkumzenitalbogen
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 234

Re: [Halo] 2023-10-26 22°-Ring, Nebensonnen, Zirkumzenitalbogen

Hallo Jochen, this is a nice display. UsM stand for Unsharp Mask (to enhanced details of a certain size on an image, here the size in pixel correspond to the "thickness" of the color diffraction within halos) RB (in english B-R, for B-minus-R which stands for a processing technique with a ...
von Nicolas Rossetto
1. Nov 2023, 19:34
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: Sonnenhalo-Statistik Oktober 2023
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 450

Re: Sonnenhalo-Statistik Oktober 2023

Congratulation on this statistic work, Carl! Since you wrote that you are using your all sky camera in case you miss some halos, did you ever noticed, in cases you are using both set up, any differences between what you take with your Nikon and with your allsky camera (with the same regions of sky p...
von Nicolas Rossetto
23. Okt 2023, 08:40
Forum: Polarlicht und Astronomie
Thema: Giant Blue Rays - Auswertung 19.9. und 25.9.2023
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4062

Re: Giant Blue Rays - Auswertung 19.9. und 25.9.2023

Hello there, I will add a stack of the phenomenon done with 7 different images, showing the vertical extension better. (495)_Blue-vIII-7s7-UsM.jpg We were several to picture the auroras from France that night, maybe there are more picture of the phenomenon so that we can add data to this. Salutation...
von Nicolas Rossetto
20. Okt 2023, 00:20
Forum: Polarlicht und Astronomie
Thema: Giant Blue Rays - Auswertung 19.9. und 25.9.2023
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 4062

Re: Giant Blue Rays - Auswertung 19.9. und 25.9.2023

Hello there, nice work on this matter ! While reading this post (and the previous one earlier in September), I realize this was what I got on my pictures on 25th september night, between 4:09 and 4h32. So it gave me the need to do the math (while listening to Jochen Hippel remixed amiga tunes ;-)), ...
von Nicolas Rossetto
17. Okt 2023, 21:20
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] 2023-10-16 Wegener Gegensonnenbogen, Lowitzbögen, Supralateralbogen
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 327

Re: [Halo] 2023-10-16 Wegener Gegensonnenbogen, Lowitzbögen, Supralateralbogen

Nice ones indeed. We did not get any Wegener on 16th October (at least, I haven't found them yet), but we got them on 17th october, along with a lot of different halos (Lowitz, Parry, quite all the circular odd radii halos, and some other). I wonder what you might have caught from Germany on this 17...
von Nicolas Rossetto
16. Okt 2023, 19:22
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] 2023-10-10 Pyramidale inkl. 23°-parryförmigen Bogen
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 915

Re: [Halo] 2023-10-10 Pyramidale inkl. 23°-parryförmigen Bogen

Thank you a lot for the link to this paper, I did not know it was available online so simply. What an incredible source of information! For the fact I though that you were in "that game" as you said, indeed your avatar might have lured me into that thought. My mistake then. I see the 13° i...
von Nicolas Rossetto
15. Okt 2023, 21:19
Forum: Halos und atmosphärische Erscheinungen
Thema: [Halo] 2023-10-10 Pyramidale inkl. 23°-parryförmigen Bogen
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 915

Re: [Halo] 2023-10-10 Pyramidale inkl. 23°-parryförmigen Bogen

Hello there Elmar, For sure it is, I agree with what you are saying about quality of contribution. For the old website version, I ran into it 2 weeks ago, because I kept looking for specific information and because I was not resigned to let it go, as it has been my main source of understanding of so...