High vs. High Middle lat. comparison page updated. *LINK*

Tom Eklund

High vs. High Middle lat. comparison page updated. *LINK*

Beitrag von Tom Eklund » 7. Jan 2004, 15:28


In case anyone is interested, i added couple more picture pairs to the Sodankylä All Sky Cam vs. Valkeakoski aurora comparison page.

If/when someone doesn't know what this page is about, it is just an page which purpose is to show the difference between high lat. and high middle lat. lights.
There are 7 picture pairs, where the first one is always SGO All Sky Cam picture and the second one is my picture taken around the same time at Valkeakoski and pointing towards the north...or so.

Pictures on most pairs are from the same minute or at least not more than 1-2 minutes apart from each other. These images should give somekind of idea how and how far away lights can be seen.

Tom E.


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