Night Sky Live Cam

Peter Wloch

Night Sky Live Cam

Beitrag von Peter Wloch » 24. Sep 2003, 14:20

Hallo Freunde,

nun koennen wir den Sternenhimmel ueber
den groessten Observatorien
der Erde im Fisheye uns anschauen.
Praktischerweise ist gleich eine Weltkarte
dabei mit den Hell/Dunkelgrenzen,
und den Auf und Untergangsdaten.

Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mt. Wilson, Californien
Kitty Peak, Arizona
Rosemary Hill, Florida
Canary Islands
Sutherland Suedafrika
Wise Observatory Israel
Siding Spring Australien

So werde ich mir mal die Magellanschen Wolken anschauen
und wie sie ueber den Himmel wandern.
Oder wie die Milchstrasse ueber Hawaii aussieht...
Oder einen Meteorschauer live !

Hier noch eine Beschreibung der Concam:

Additionally, the concam sky is very similar to the sky a human being would see. The dimmest stars visible in concam are very nearly the same dimmest stars visible to the average person. The wide field of view is wider even than human vision. All the bright stars and constellations you might know are there. If you could stand on a high volcano and see possibly the darkest and clearest night sky in the world, it would look just like our concam frames from Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Concam makes it a click away. There are still many many good locations that exist that currently do not have a concam. These is nothing else out there like the concam project.

Conversely, professional astronomers will benefit from concam data, too. They use concam data to see if the night sky is/was clear during their observations with other telescopes. Scientific discoveries including the intensity of meteor showers, the variability of common stars, the light curves for comets, and the existence of transient phenomena coincident with nova, supernova, gamma-ray bursts, may be documented by concams. Perhaps even more exciting is the possibly that a concam might see something new, something that we have not thought about yet.

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